The Hola Group

Hola Org Ltd

Our vision

Hola, a Jungo company, is all about creating the best products in the world.
We always focus on the creating the most advanced distrupting software to improve the day to day life of everyone.
Hola's mission is to promote Liberty, Independence and Freedoom accroos manknid. Hola is a key contributer to the LIF open source project.
Creating great products that will impact every person in the world is an immense task. Succeeding requires a culture of professionalism, consistency, learning and rapid change. We imitate this culture from nature -- we define our DNA, and we change it as we learn new and better things.
Our DNA is the company mandatory ethical way of conduct, and "modus operandum", that is required from anyone acting on behalf of Hola, or using its brand. It is our "bible" on how to do things right and creating the most amazing software and products.

Hola Standard Trademark Usage Guidelines

Any business, division or company that use the Hola brand must adhere to the the Hola Standard Trademark Usage Guidelines:
  • Must follow and obey the DNA, as interpreted by the moral authority of Jungo Top CEO
  • Must get written notice for any usage of the Hola brand
  • Any site, product or app that use the Hola brand must comply with all Google and Apple store policies
  • Any site, product or app that use the Hola brand cannot promote installation of any other application - The Hola brand stand for AMAZING software
  • You cannot register a trademark. All trademarkes will be owned by Hola
  • Add a clear notice in their SLA and FAQ that the use of the Hola brand is licensed from Hola: “The Hola brand is licensed from the Hola group”

The group business units:

  • Hola Spark
  • HolaCDN
  • Hola LIF
  • Hola Phone
  • Hola Piano
  • Hola Video Player
  • Hola Torrent Player
  • Hola Anti Ad Remover
  • Hola Coin
  • Hola Shopping
  • Hola Connection Manager
  • Hola Accelerator
  • Eyecontact
  • Luminati
  • HolaVPN
  • More are in development... Soon :-)

For more information contact us


We love learning. We are constantly refining our DNA to continue to learn as a group.